I’ll begin this blog by presenting to you a list linking to five excellent website articles. In each you’ll find a mix of direction, opinion and advice from highly esteemed sources on a chosen subject, which (unsurprisingly, given the title of this article) is Curation Blogging.
The list:
- Heidi Cohen - 12 Attributes of a Successful Content Curation Strategy
- Kuno Creative | Barb Schmitz - Do’s and Dont’s of Curating Blog Content
- Curata - Content Curation Guidelines – Where to Share?
- Hubspot | Pamela Seiple - 10 Great Ideas for Valuable Curated Content
- SEOMOZ | Gianluca Fiorelli - Content Curation Guide for SEO - What, How, Why
Whether you choose to peruse the list and follow its links now, or suffer through the rest of this article beforehand, I thoroughly hope you enjoy the list and the content it is linked to.
The list benefits us both, you see, and here’s why:
Why this list is good for you
The internet is an ocean of information. Every day we face another tidal wave of content and the pool of sources gets more and more difficult to wade through when we look for stuff we’re actually interested in.
So, say you woke this morning with a burning desire to learn more about Curation Blogging, I’ve done you a bit of a favour by neatly arranging a list of pertinent sources on the subject in one place, saving you the time I spent surfing the internet to find relevant, quality content that might help out. You’re welcome.
What a good Curation Blog gives is a human touch and importantly, a context to what is being curated and why the information displayed should really matter to the user.
Whether it’s a list of links to five Curation Blogging articles or the ‘50 Most Adorable Cat Pictures on the Internet’, there’s still someone out there interested in the content and grateful to have that presented to them in manageable high-quality chunks.
Why this list is good for me
Used conservatively, the phrase ‘Curation Blog/Blogging’ is used 8 times in this article, so if someone is searching the net interested in finding out more about the topic, there’s a chance that over time this article might become prominent enough for a search engine and lead them here.
This is dependent on other factors that make a Curation Blog highly beneficial for the website it appears on (in this case the blog of my employer) by allowing you to perform a few actions that Google likes websites to use in order to gain authority and search engine visibility:
- Displaying authority and relevance on a chosen subject and context.
- Linking out to the pages of reliable vendors (always credit the work of others).
- Helpful/interesting content gets shared and linked back from other blogs and social media platforms, leading to increased web traffic from recognised sources.
All these elements add to the value of an increasingly well-used technique.
In Curation Blogging we have the emergence of a useful tool beneficial for both user and publisher.