We've being doing some branding work over the past couple of weeks, which is both great fun and enormously demanding. A real team effort, pulling loads of great but disparate ideas into some sort of focus.
When we conceive, plan and execute a brand identity, we juggle multiple elements: the company’s vision, the client's aesthetic preferences, conventions used in the industry, our creative perspective, the potential of digital and the expectations of customers.
It's also satisfying to get our clients involved in the process - educating them about the components of a successful brand and the various factors that affect brand positioning. It's great to get them intrigued in the process and contributing ideas: after all, it's their brand.
As we say, it's a fun but demanding job. But we think our combination of a creative approach informed by thorough business analysis is a winning formula.
So if you've got a branding or re-branding requirements to juggle, we're a safe pair of hands.
Let’s juggle.